

Tu me manques
There he stood, waiting for her
Eager to see her
Waiting to hold her
Yearning to kiss her

Wanting to see the twinkle in her eyes
Desperate to make her smile
To make her happy and hear her laugh
He'd go the extra mile

Seeing her after so many years
His heart skipped a beat
Time spent with her was so serene
Yet it all felt like a dream

He swore off love all these years
Yet she crept up in his heart
Gently she broke his walls
And love blossomed in his cold heart

Seeing her happy made his day
For her he stopped going astray
His heart started yearning for her
He couldn't imagine his life without her

She made him believe again in love
And showed him he deserves to be loved
And with his every heartbeat
He felt he was now complete.

© Impulsiveinspirations