

Her last words... [Part 2]

Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months,
He walked through life, feeling the brunt.
The world seemed darker, colors had faded,
His heart ached, broken and jaded.

He woke each morning, her words on his mind,
But the emptiness lingered, love left behind.
Her scent in his clothes, her laugh in the air,
Everywhere he turned, he found her there.

Nights were the hardest, alone in his bed,
Haunted by memories, dreams filled with dread.
He’d reach for her, but only find space,
Wishing for one more glimpse of her face.

Friends tried to comfort, but couldn’t understand,
The depth of his grief, the loss of his hand.
He moved through his days, a shadow of who,
He once was with her, when love was true.

In the silence, he’d hear her soft voice,
“Live, my love, make that your choice.”
He struggled to follow, to honor her plea,
But without her, he felt he’d never be free.

One evening, he wandered to their favorite place,
The park where they’d sit, heartbeats in grace.
He sat by their tree, tears streaming down,
Feeling her presence, though she wasn’t around.

He whispered, “I miss you,” his voice breaking with pain,
“Life without you is just endless rain.
I try to be strong, to live as you asked,
But each day without you is harder than the last.”

A breeze softly rustled, a whisper of leaves,
As if she was there, bringing him ease.
He closed his eyes, felt her warmth in the air,
A reminder of love, of how much she cared.

In the darkness, he found a small light,
A spark of her love, guiding him right.
He knew he must live, though his heart would still ache,
For her memory, for her love’s sake.

He stood up slowly, resolve in his heart,
He’d carry her with him, though they were apart.
Her last words a beacon, through sorrow and strife,
He’d live for them both, honoring her life.


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