

I had to convince my boyfriend his quality was unjustified by the inequality that existed in this world.
that he should be proud of his heritage , his beauty shone through to be , his individuality leaked out on to me . and he told me people had asked if his dad left based on his skin colour, he has been treated like shit based on the color of his skin, and sometimes he feels bad for me , and my shits just shit , it not born from years of genocide and inequality within our societal "judicial" monarchy. I gave him love in any way I could , and he understands to me my shit is just shit and to him my shit shaped me but to me his fucking shit breaks him on the daily , so much so sometimes I just hold him close and tell him how beautiful he is , just so he can hear those words just so he knows someone means it , and I tell him to hold his head high and to be proud of the man he's become , he's his ancestors sun shaping this society into a more accepting reality
© Emiben3255 #