

My troubled storm

I did everything to make sure u where ok...
Not want for a thing in return
I did everything i could to Help ease ur pain and loss ....
Even though i was going same pain and loss
I did all i could to help survive this storm
Not to let our pain and loss sink and bury us alive
Proved that i was solid was true to family comes first
Solid and loyal even after ur past indiscretions
Forgave ur past wrongs...
Loyal to a fault ....
Honest and true to the end
Yet u abandon me alone and sinking
jumped ship first chance u could
Left me alone to drown with no life jacket
Didn't think twice or look back
How lonely and stupid i felt as i watched u leave
Hurt and foolish i felt to think u would be loyal and solid
Loyalty is rare and hard to find
Many r fake and only there to take what they can
Family means nothing to most now days
Thought u where legit and solid
U where solid and loyal to a heartless and selfish person
Leaving u alone , hungry , and homeless fist chance she had
Yet she was the one u gave ur loyalty to
Feeling like the fool as i watched u walk away
In the end i was solid and loyal and honest to my self
Im sorry NATE. I failed u as hard as I tried
Those u loved and closest with i wasn't able to keep safe & warm
I tried so hard to help us all heal together as a family should...
I tried to keep a sinking boat afloat
The harder i tried the more holes u made sinking us faster
Showing how ungrateful u could be i waited for storm to pass
In the end the storm cleared and i am able to hold my head high
Never compromising my integrity and stayed honest and loyal...
Now i can face u at the end of this life
Im sorry i failed to keep us all together and a family

Dear : jessie , Kelsie , Dawson , and Bryce

I will always love u and be loyal to our brother nate but i couldn't believe how ungrateful and disrespectful u could be after all i did to take care of those closest to our brother NATHAN... U r blood and will have my love ... But u showed that unless i want to be burned again and left alone to drown i must distance myself once again from u brother and our very lost heartless sister.... For my sake i cant be near u and let u mistake my kindness and love for weakness and have u take me for granted and show how ungrateful u can be ... Just know ur always in my thought and never will stop loving either of u.. Just gotta luv u from afar now. To avoid being hurt. Again ...
HOPE the best for all of u... Hope u guys get to see this but chance r u wont but this is whats in my heart and needed to say

Luv ur big sister