

Talking To The Moon.
Under the starry sky I sit,
A moment of peace, to make sense of it.
A seeker of truth with a heart that's lit ,
A thinker of the unknown with a mind that's fit.

I talk to the moon ,with a voice so clear ,
A force of nature both far and near .
It's light shines bright ,casting shadows here,
A symbol of hope that dispels all fear.

I am a seeker ,both lost and found ,
A force of thought ,with a power unbound .
My heart beats strong ,my spirit unwound ,
A symbol of strength that's both lost and found.

I sit in silence in the dead of night ,
A moment of peace that feels so right.
A chance to reflect and shed some light,
A moment of clarity that's out of sight.

My thoughts run deep ,my mind takes flight ,
A journey of self ,that feels so bright .
I talk to the moon and find some light ,
A moment of truth that feels so right.

The moon listen with a gentle ear ,
A friend of the night that's always near.
It hears my thoughts both far and clear,
A symbol of comfort that's always here.

I talk to the moon, my friend ,
For ,it's power is great and it's wisdom won't end .
A moment of peace that never bends ,
A symbol of hope that always transcends.
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