

AI again
My partner follows AI most days
He tells me of the latest advances
and some are incredible
Many I find not so
It seems so scary!
Generated images
bringing us into a plastic universe
and where will it take us?
What does it hold for my grandchildren?
That's my biggest worry
It could help them and bring them health
and happiness
or maybe give them no goals and no hope?
I tell my partner and he says
don't worry so

So I don't
and I go off into another world
and write a poem
He reads it
then asks AI to write a poem in the same vein
It comes back with flowery words
and some that are so rarely used
It's over done, but under done
It has no heart in it
so it's meaningless
It's plastic and AI at play
It's so unreal
I read it
but throw it away

© Lola