

My adopted Momma family
The sweet ladys voice
u hear saying I love u!
Brings a smile apun my face
As I know she is happy today.

I sit there and visit
and hear her sweet voice as she sings
the sweet songs to the baby
no matter if its a girl or boy that day!!

The sweets she does love.
I love the expression on her face
as I come through the door
with chocolate brownies.

The sweet voice says I ready!!
As a great big smile appears
on her face from ear to ear.
She wants it as soon as I arrive.

As the days are warm
she wants to sit outside on the porch!!
Rocking that sweet baby and watching
the sweet animals from next door and birds

I sit hear listening as she talks
about her younger days.
What a joy it is
to just be around her and her family!

This lady has became family!! Yeah
What a blessing she has been.
Her daughter is a blessing as well.
What a joy u have been in my life.

A hole in my heart was filled in when
I met u and I am so blessed it was.
You showed me things
I will never forget!

Your love will never be forgoten!
Your daughter will be forever a friend!
Thank You for all the blessings!
Love you forever!!

Memories will live on ever.
Your kindness and love will never
be forgotten. You are missed every moment.