

In painful truth, your priorities lie astray,
No matter the questions, you hide the truth away,
I now understand I'm not the one you truly desire,
Promises of forever were merely etched in the fire.

Forever, I realize, is but memories of the past,
A mirage of love that was never meant to last,
I've come to comprehend, I'm just an option to you,
Yet, you refuse to admit, to face this painful view.

You claim to love me, but your actions speak otherwise,
Your care for me is masked by ruthlessness in disguise,
You demand my trust, but how can I give it unwaveringly,
When you continuously hurt me, so blatantly.

Hours pass, your texts left unanswered and unread,
While I witness you online, posting and being fed,
Is this how one loves themselves, with such detachment?
Is this affection, hiding behind a cold-hearted fragment?

You demand perfection, a constant display of affection,
Yet, you offer me no reassurance, only seeds of doubt's infection,
You claim I'm special, but your actions prove otherwise,
Your indifference screams loud, a painful compromise.

If I'm not yours, why not speak the truth, set me free,
Why keep me captive, languishing in false security,
Release me from the illusion of someone in my life,
Let my soul soar, freed from this unending strife.

© Tashy