

My Love is a Magnifying Glass
Loving you is like staring at the sun
For seconds, for minutes or for time undone
My eyes become deep red with all tears
But I still stand there facing these silly fears

All the beautiful flowers enjoy your love
Beautiful summers, they sing all the year
They bloom the moment you touch them
You are the reason for their soaring

But I think I am a cactus, alone and desperate
That is why you are the most fatal to my state
I always get the vile and vicious side of you
I have stifling summers for months undue

No, I think I am a tiny piece of thin paper
Because sun doesn't directly burn the paper
Only when there's a magnifying glass amidst
The paper starts raging, cursing the sunkissed

This magnifying glass is my love for you
It's the one creating rifts, however I argue
If I throw this love glass for everyone's sake
You will have your peace and my heart at stake

But I can't let go of this love, my dying affection
I can't see my discarded wasted potential
So whether you are a pleasant summer
Or a fiery desert, I will keep staring this shimmer
© punya