

Fixing my crown
I know at sixteen I would fix my crown but, I licked my wounds and stood my ground. I've been known to bow
with grace
Other's may seem to believe I move to smooth. My crown was always to straight so other's
could hate. I've been judged on what I don't hate or immulate, So why was the bad better the the good?
I don't think that I should question it. Dang being a queen is so hard to maintain expecially when the youth
are blinded by lies that weren't ever true, evenwhen there wasn't even proof. I maintained tears in private to avoid
the pain in my story. I know a queen has to maintain my sanity to avoid the realities that almost made me become insane.
What's worst I hid the pain with silence and strain, At times I couldn't complain besides the fact that most thought I was a
game complain complain ummm....huh? wait I should feel ashamed for not wanting your glory or shame. I guess I could not feel the same
being me is not game, sainty isn't wrong expecially when yo are not the cause of the destruction of the game. Life is like chess not like checker's
when all you do is guess. In chess you decide who is best on your set, the correct peices makes you combine or create he best. stressful leaders
endure the rest. Making the correct move is always a counted blessing a stress that has been put to rest. Fixing my own crown that has been put
through many test, most haave been a golden success. I move forward knowing the test in the eye's I remind I alway's rock my crown straight without frowns.
I know I always fix my crown. I am fixing my crown even when those didn't listen to the proof I found. I know the truth is always breaking ground's. I am still
cleaning and fixing my crown and taking a bow with grace. I just walk away from a distructive case.

© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉