

My life is an open book
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey
It taught me something i probably never learned from books.
It taught me how to deal with different people in life. It taught me why people come into your life, why they leave your life, what is the purpose of those who come and those who go.
My life is an open book, that also took me on a journey of darkness, which put me in so many troubles and sometimes in depression but then it was my life that taught me how to fight against these.
My life is an ooen book, that made my journey great because it showed me a lot of new things and gave me a lot of learn. My life has been a great teacher for me.
You will see a lot of complications in it but believe me the purpose of these complication is just to trained me.
Every page of this, surely led you to a new another suspense.