

what is love
What is love, but a feeling so pure
It captures our hearts, with a love that endures
It's a melody that lingers in our minds
A rhythm that moves us, one of a kind
Is it a fire, burning bright and hot
Or a gentle breeze, that warms our heart
Is it a storm, that rages within
Or a calm sea, that lets love begin
It's a bond that ties us, soul to soul
A connection that's unbreakable, a love that's whole
It's the light in the darkness, the hope in despair
A love that's unconditional, beyond compare
It's the touch of a hand, a soft embrace
A simple gesture, that brings a smile to our face
It's the laughter shared, in moments of joy
A love that's pure, with no hidden ploy
What is love, but a journey of two
Through ups and downs, it remains true
It's a dance of emotions, a beautiful art
A love that's felt, deep in the heart
So let the song play, let it be stuck in our head
For love is a feeling, that can never be dead
It's the answer to what our hearts long for
A love that's eternal, now and forevermore.© cynfully