

My Political Abductors
In the realm of politics, a tale unfolds, Of a captive soul, whose story remains untold. A prisoner of ideologies, held in a bind, My political abductor, a mastermind.With words like daggers, they cast their spell, Manipulating minds, weaving tales so well.
They claim to fight for justice, for the common good, But behind closed doors, their true intentions stood.They lure with promises, like sirens in the night, But their actions speak louder, revealing their true might.
They spin webs of deceit, entangling the masses, Blurring the lines between truth and political classes.My political abductor, a puppeteer so sly, Pulling strings behind the scenes, hidden from the eye.
They mold public opinion, shaping it to their will, Leaving no room for dissent, no space to be still.They divide and conquer, pitting us against each other, Fanning the flames of hatred, brother against brother.
They thrive on chaos, on a nation torn apart, Feeding off the fear that resides in every heart.But I refuse to be silenced, to be held in their grip, I'll break free from their clutches, with every word I equip. For the power lies within us, the people united,
To reclaim our voices, to no longer be slighted.So let us rise together, against this political game, Expose the abductors, and douse their fire with our flame. For in the end, it's our voices that will prevail, And shatter the chains of this political jail.
My political abductor, your reign will not last, For truth and justice will triumph over the past. We'll reclaim our democracy, restore what is right, And banish your darkness with the power of light.
© thekennyadetule