

I'll always love you
I know how these things are
and you know that the admins have total control of these apps they can block anybody and stick them anywhere they want to.
Hell you're an admin yourself am I right?
You get to read any and everything that you want to without anyone knowing that you've read it especially the one that wrote it.
Hell you get to post and repost in any way shaping and forming a sentence with others work to say whatever you want to whomever you want to say it to.
Am I not right.
Hell mine app for WritCo turns black everytime I open it I know that a admin has put my work in some corner of their choosing because it never turned black when you first download it on your phone until they get a hold of it.
That being said,
you are a beautiful person but I know that I'm not the kind of person that you're attracted to.
I'm too nice for you I'm not one of those that fight for things.
In all do respect for myself I tried that stick up for myself I use to argue back and noticed that I was losing the person that I am I was losing me.
I learned that fussing and arguing only turns a person heart hard and I like me.
I like my heart just as soft as the Lord made it.
I don't have to do that,
there's nobody in the world that I have to argue fuss and fight with my heart's worth more than that to me.
I also know that if somebody want to talk to you they'll find a way.
I know that you're with somebody hell I can't fault you for finding love for yourself that's why I'm not writing love stories anymore. Your Space"
The space for you to fall deeply and so madly in love with the one that you're with so that Anything that I write will mean Nothing to you to the point that you don't even know that my writing exists.
I'm not harding my heart for this or anything else anymore I don't have to.
You are someone so unique and very special
Best of everything to you
I'll never forget the person that taught me that
a person can argue alone if you don't argue with them.
I'll always love you,
© writer2