

The Cafe
I wonder where I'd be,
if this had never happened.
They said the truth sets you free,
as you wrote your number on a napkin.
I told you about my many broken hearts,
and how life has brought me to my knees.
How the last time that I fell apart,
I found it hard to breath.
I couldn't see what was right in front of me,
and how her eyes told many lies.
I gave her my best honesty,
and she saw how hard I tried.
I was desperately seeking something,
she could never give.
Her deceitful ways were cunning,
as I fought daily just to live.
I watched the devil put on make-up,
to star in a show of great regret.
And when my mind was finally made up,
she left me lonely in this bed.
Reaching across the covers,
for an emptiness nothing could fill.
Leaving me speechless as I suffered,
I didn't know a calloused heart could kill.
As you left the cafe that day,
I knew that you would be gone too.
For every single star that fades away,
another one shines through.
I hugged you as you walked out the door,
and kissed you on the cheek.
Leaving my shattered soul wanting more,
of the words I could not speak...

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