

Beyond the Light
Beyond the light,
Is but only night,
In the darkness all alone,
Seek not the light in the distance,
For it is much too far,
Look close to home and you shall see,
That such a look into yourself and you will beam,
Nothing was lost just misplaced,
For no one or anything can ever be replaced,
Find the candle in your own window,
Guard it when it dwindles,
Share it when it shines,
For when it dwindles do not despair,
It simply means you must rest for the moment,
When it shines it means that you are leading by example,
No matter how faint or bright it glows,
Nor how harsh the strongest wind blows,
All is good and right,
For you are stronger than you might believe,
So remember in times of strife,
"Despite the pain and sorrow.....you'll survive and thrive beyond tomorrow",
Say these words as a reminder to who you are,
A reminder to where you can go,
Most of all to remind yourself how you can go further,
For in the darkness is your light,
And in the light is your rest,
Go forth and find your light,
If possible help others who are lost,
For beyond the darkness is light,
© -SE-