

Standing just there , at the seashore ,
Watching the sunset all alone ,
Letting the wind shower kisses ,
On my gentle skin and hair,
Being in the warm but cold breeze,
The next moment doesn't matter anymore,
Not trying to walk to the door,
Not gonna shut myself up ,
In this lovely evening, to bring me up,
All the pain and heartbreaks,
Just fades away ,in every touch of the breeze ,
Being in the moment ,
After a long time that gone by ,
I finally feel like there's more,
More to life than just a heartbreak,
Just then i realized the truth,
The meaning is different after all,
Deep thoughts became deep breath,
In every breath I took in ,
I let out my pain and insecurities,
Thats all it takes to be positive ,
Not much effort, no more pain ,
I finally realized my worth ,
My own worth , not letting anyone,
Or Anything to take away myself ,
A small smile , darkness flew away ,
The pain , the hurt , I left it all behind ,
Now i know me , I love me more .