

her eyes gold when she looks at me. drinking me up. my skin tingling where her gaze falls and the rest of the expanse of my brown skin laying untouched. like the dark side of the moon, cold and drying up. she's reverant about it, breathing life onto my skin, and then sucking it in, like she doesn't want me to exist. (but that's not it. that's not it.) she stares into my eyes. unwavering. giving new meaning to the word "lover." she loves me. loves me. loves me like i'm her last breath. and i trust her to. always on her mind, i lay dainty like a flower, feral like a fire. singing her, singing her. (because i'm her pyre.) legs crossed, ankles bare. arms gracefully grasping the air. i'm the birth of venus dear. this is the picture she paints of me in her mind. she chokes on me. overflowing with the love she has for me. it drips from her eyes. like molten red. i hear her heart pounding. pounding so loud i can see. and i lay my right palm against it, asking her with my eyes. is that for me? in answer, she swallows me down, doesn't make a sound. and our colours meld. and i know my heart is safe with her, and well held. she lays her hands on me and drinks me up like she knows i want to be in her veins. she blushes at the thought of me and i her. and i'm singing her, singing her. (because she's in my veins.) and suddenly we are songs. songs for the other. and they're endless. endless and long. and if there is a way for us to morph ourselves fully, we will, so i tell her to bite. and i'm rosy where i lay on her tongue. and i spike and spike. like a carbonated drink. and i look at her ears, where they're blushing pink, and i spill and spill. she tells me i taste like red. that she loves the scent. loves the burst of colour that splashes against her tongue. and i feel up to it. feel up to her mouth. needing to know where it is i lay. and she lights me from the inside. from the inside out. and it burns, a glow, visible to the eye. i look at her and look at her and i die and die and die. die a thousand deaths. wilt like a rose in her arms because there's no place i'd rather be. no person i'd rather see. and when i blink, it's like a bated breath, because it's me waiting to glimpse her again. a split second or a thousand years i could never tell. and i'm right where she is, and we're an endless stretch of limbs and love. i'm tangled in her and she's tangled in me, looking down at me like the sun above. and i'm plunged into the future when she blinks a second time. and all i see is yellow. and we're still together. in a small house, embraced by green. and everywhere i turn it smells like cinnamon and tea. and it's warm brown. and we dance in the kitchen when we're wine drunk. and i twirl her in her favourite floral skirt, kissing her where her lips are iridescent and my heart's so full it hurts. savouring the sweet slow sway of her hips and her golden taste in my mouth. i swallow her. and i swallow her. down, down down. her lips like tangerine, sunset and fruit punch. and the only kids we have are our cats, sitting on the counter where they shouldn't be. watching us like we're peculiar beings. peculiar beings in love. and i breathe her in, breath everlasting, breeze bright blue and flowing. and i take her in, take her in. and it's warm where i am, so she doesn't want to leave.

- strewn along the synapses of the mind

© ilifluous