

When we are in love the pendulum quiets. The constant sway is abandoned to science. The reaction occurs in our chemistry, physics broken by our destiny. Right and wrong, the choices are banished outside the walls of sin. A coven of witchcraft and red candle mass, the heartache begins to thin. When we are in love the pulse beats in unison within the one you love. A synaptic explosion, a orchestral emotion, the music becoming your drug. A chorus of kisses playing chords of passion to a choir inside your heart. The symphony composed of chromatic scenes that shines through blackest dark. When we are in love the wishes are granted before they are ever asked, a blessed genie inferno. A wishing well tsunami crashing from desire's smoldering afterglow. The touch becomes wet with a fevered look blazing from beloved eyes. Erotic this tale, the tangible dream, writhing in your bed tonight. When we are in love, the rain follows you but the storms never seem to come. The skies crack open and the aqua welcomes you to make love under the sun. Two bodies dance but seem to cast only one shadow in this play. Tongue to tongue, clothes thrown and undone, flesh pressed in erotic ballet. When we are in love nature will know, our memories like footprints in snow. No words can say, what our bodies will feel and none will ever show. So potent was the star from which we were made, our eclipse is outward cast. Towards heaven and beyond, to worlds long gone, the first and the last....
© Ernesto De La Pena III