

In the depths of darkness, a whisper fades,
A tale of dreams and hopes no longer played.
The sun sets on a chapter, now closed,
A story of beginnings, no longer composed.

No more shall the laughter fill the air,
No more shall the love be found anywhere.
Gone are the days of joy and delight,
Replaced by a void, an endless night.

But in the absence, a new dawn may rise,
A chance for rebirth, a chance to revise.
For in the ashes, new dreams may ignite,
A phoenix emerges, taking flight.

No more shall the stars light up the sky,
No more shall the tears be wiped dry.
Lost in the shadows, a soul once bright,
Now a mere whisper, a fading light.

No more shall the flowers bloom in spring,
No more shall the birds sweetly sing.
Silence echoes through the empty halls,
A haunting reminder of forgotten calls.

No more may be, but hope remains,
A flicker of possibility, breaking chains.
For even in endings, there's room to explore,
A new beginning, a chance to restore.

© Olowoyo Titilayo E

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