

Mnemosyne's Daughter
I am catching myself how anxious I am becoming, waiting for her words. I crave the genius radiating from every verse. Each day without her magic feels like agonizing dehydration in the intellectual wasteland.

The melancholy of her creations is spiriting me inside this enchanted room. Slow saxophone, smooth piano, dimmed lights. Pleasant goosebumps, gentle, moist kiss of lovers lips. The erotic aftertaste of red wine infused with a delicate fragrance of scented candles.

Who knew a woman like her existed? She crossed my path and now my soul has changed forever.

Your beautiful mind is the only thing that captivates me, and I crave it like a desert craves the rain. Fragile Melpomene, I will always strive to be worthy of your laurel wreath.

Forgive me I couldn't get past my delusions.

© Shinku