

Tired soul Tired body;Her peace into Pieces
From sensitive to oversensitive
emotions changed her deeply
she experienced a loss
a loss of her loved ones ,beloved or may be her inner self
Days passed and out of nowhere a demon arised
a demon that shattered her dreams of daily life
she began to become silent though being outspoken &jubilant earlier
thoughts sprouted in her mind like gushing waters
she often questioned herself
what is it that disturbs me often ?
if answer would have been so easy
she would have handled herself
from losing appetite to getting suicidal ideations
she rarely knew her inside demon had so much power
believed by no one &taunted by society
she kept asking where to go ?what to do
Doing chores ,dressing up ,chirping of birds
what not, it was everything that was annoying her
her self help showed zero results
rays of morning sun would compel her to bang her head
cringed in her guilt her family says how does it built?
sleeping whole days eases her pain
people said to her get over it
but question was arising in her how to do it ?
helpless because of her continous thoughts in her mind
whenever thoughts were hitting her hard
crying was the emotion which accompanied her .
tired was her soul and body
yet little she &her family knew what was it
a friend helped her consult a psychiatrist
a big term and condition she came up with ,she was suffering from depression
the biggest nightmare has arrived in her life
afraid of the societal stigma ,she kept it to herself
caged under four Walls and fighting with her illness
mental peace was disturbed as her friend was observing it
from taking medicines to going for counselling sessions
she was doing her best for the good of her mental health
it took her six months to overcome it
such is the power of thoughts
it was these thoughts that turned her life upside down
her peace into pieces.
pay attention to your thoughts ,don't let it ruin u mentally as well as physically.seek professional help .