

My worst nightmare yet my beautiful dream
I never thought I could feel something for anyone not until you came.

You came into my life like an invincible ghost but now you have become a ghost with flesh and blood running through your veins.

I never thought I could have that courage to go forth and tell someone what I feel but then I realized if I don't I may lose you.

But when i mustererd up my courage you broke it down like a glass and the shattering pieces still echoes in my head till date.

You made me lose my self-confidence, worth, and my self-esteem ......it fell and crumbled right before my own eyes and I could do nothing to save it.

Why has life decided to take the things I want?

Why did life choose to give me pains and sufferings?

Why do i have to endure the pain of all my love ones leaving me?

Death is better than such life where my loved ones gets snatched away from me.

You left me saying I wasn't good enough and then seconds passed by, minutes passed by, hours passed by, days passed by, months passed by and still hoping for your return but to no avail.

Then just one morning you called and said you wanted to come back into my life and I let you but then again you destroyed me the more than you already did.

You turned me into a shadow of myself, you made me feel worthless, you traumatized me day and night.

You became my worst nightmare yet my beautiful dream.

Then you left again and I still waited for seconds, minutes,hours, days,weeks, and months but this time around I know you ain't coming back and even if you do I wouldn't let you in no more.
© kaya N