

Glasses For Dream -World
I wear Glasses,
The Glasses with plus or minus points .

But I wanna have Those Glasses,
Through which I'll see my Dream-World.

My Dream-World?
Nothing Aesthetic as you are thinking.

It's just where,
I can see every child
To get the purest love .

It's just where,
I can see every gender
To be respected.

It's just where,
I can see every race
To be sympathetic to others .

It's just where,
I can see every friendship
To be the real one.

It's just where,
I can see every relation
To have the power of trust & empathy

It's just where
I can see every old person
To spend the last passage of life happily.

It's just where
I can see ...


Note: To describe our world as a "Dream-World", there are numerous things to be changed, but I've mentioned just a few of them.
One more thing to say that I've recently started to write poems☺️,so , here can be done some mistakes, so plzz pardon me in this case🖤