

In The Blackest Night
In The blackest Night...
A shadow moves,
Gives me chills,
Tremor in shoes!

I feel a presence...
Right behind...
Is it vicious,
Is it kind?!

I look for her,
But cower in fright!
Will she love me...
Or will she bite?

"Come my love...
Give me hug!
I have missed you...
So much thirst!
I am waiting...
For your soul,
It’s so shiny...
I need it whole"!

Her lips touch me...
On my lips,
Gave me feeling...
Of fear rich!
Then she took me...
In her arms,
Holding tight...
There’s no light!

I smell her scent...
It’s smell of death,
Scent of beauty...
Scent of wrath!

She remembers...
Our last time,
When I took her...
To the lake behind!
I remember...
Her chilling screams,
Her cry for mercy...
Loud had been!

No one heard her,
No one came...
When I slowly...
Let death rain!

Now she's back...
I wonder why?!
She'd take my life?!
Will I die?!

"Hush my darling...
I missed you much!
Even in pain...
I loved your touch!
Let’s ride together...
The train of death,
Love eternal..."
My girl said!

"I will never...
Let you go!
You gave me some...
I'll give you more!
Do not fear...
O my man!
Close to me...
My love you stand!
Yes my heart...
I'm in love!
We'll be together...
In the skies above"!

I saw her body...
Some flesh gone,
Missing fingers...
Her face was torn!

"It was the dogs"!
She said and sighed...
"They ate me slowly...
While I cried!
When you left...
Then I wept!
Why did you leave me...
Leave me for dead"?!

I did not know...
What to say!
I'm the reason...
She’s this way!
Now I wish...
She was alive,
breathing love...
and not die!

But it was late...
To regrets make,
Time to walk...
To deserted lake!

I took her hand-
And walked her side,
We walked together...
In the blackest night!
© havoc

#horror #horrorpoem #Scary #fright #horrorstory #horrorromance #darklove