

He's Waiting
"Father, I have sinned against heaven
And against you
I am no longer worthy to be called
your son"
make me...(coughs)
The son choked by his own words
The guilt in his trembling voice
Vivid through his teary eyes

The 2nd virtue of the father
Full of compassion
Couldn't let the son finish
ever since the son left
All that he had were
Sleepless nights weary days
If he prayed then
It was for his son to be safe
If he made wishes I bet then
It was to see him again

Did I tell you of the meals he skipped?
His son was gone so was his appetite
Did I tell you how he spent the day
Outside the gate relentlessly waiting?
Thus,his 1st virtue patience
No matter how long it took
He waited for his son to come back

When he said
"...let's have feast and celebrate..."
His 3rd virtue was seen
Slow to anger
Just like the son
It's never to late to turn back
and recommit
The Father is always waiting.

#virtue #patience #compassion #Anger

© Merlthepoet