

Dear Best Friend

I really miss you allot

I miss your smile

I miss your touch, your scolding

I miss the baby

Yeah, I know your aren't pregnant

But you will, someday

And I would love to be the father of your child

Although you won't want that

I would love that

Bea I really miss you

Yea you said I shouldn't call you that

But Bea theirs no one here to eat my food, drag me off bed, get dirty with or even call me dirty

The folks around don't understand me the way you do

They say I'm crazy which I'm not

They say I'm childish we could both agree

Lol, I really do miss you

And thanks allot for being my friend despite the fact that we've got our differences; your an extrovert I'm an introvert also a 100℅ aware of every terrifying, crazy, raunchy, explicit activities of my life , you still chose to be my best friend; sorry - odd friend

Lol ! Gal get your ass back here

Theirs a whole lot of stuff I wanna tell you

A whole new world to see

And, don't get mad but I think it will be great if we both die as friends so we could end up ghost friends and walk through walls and scare the shit out of people.

lol what do u think

© Mr Black