

no greater love
we walk through
the twists of a covered trail
& laugh about being single &
how not sorry we are (greatest title for a devotional).
I’m not sorry for the ways
God has allowed our friendship to grow in
my desire to see you more
in my quiet prayer at the beginning of the year -
never knowing heartbreak
would open me to receive
even more 8 months later. the ways you
check on me & drove two
times in one month to sit with me - once before the grief where you sharpened me with truth &
now after, where you tell me the truth: this won’t last forever & I’m going to be alright.
this is what I see: you loving deeply as our Father asks so others will see & praise him -
who gives the gift of friendship
& all I can say is thank you for loving me & letting me love you too.
© Julia Putzke

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