

A Look Inside
As one begins to unlearn
The dissettling ways of the past
One begins to question
One begins to ponder the actual picture
Of what is real
To the one who is dazed by clouded execution
To the ways of this wordly holocoust
To the ones who are stuck in bondage
To the ones who are weighed down by the heaviest chains
I invite you to take a look into the mind
Of a most purposeless mortal
In efforts to see what restitution
What a defaced society
Tells one about this subservience way of life
See we are born to bow down to servility
Mocked by those who find the "admissible way"
We are faced by our Founding Fathers
Bitter with disgrace
We see the truth
We are forced to see this actuality
Broken as we have-not's beg not for futility
But plead with justice for all of humanity
Let us come with peace
Let us become One
Let us become a people who give credence to each other
Not striking racial discremination
Let us become a people who carefully assimilate our souls
Together we should stand as we all bleed red
Not by the color of our skin
It is time to change our perception

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