

Twisted Road #Pain
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney,
I envisaged triumphs,
I was content,
I was in my place of peace,
I was satisfied and harmonized by comfort of a life I thought brought all I ever dreamed,
He was my King,
In my eyes and thoughts he could do no wrong,
I felt safe and secure,
Like a straight road with no humbs or potholes,
I was overjoyed,
But little did I perceive the unthinkable,
In my mind I walked the path and tried to erase it a thousand times,
Yet tried to keep the courage to stick to the croocked lane hoping to see a light at the end of the tunnel,
The painful deeds of the potholes,
As I stumbled and fell face flat with shame and irreparable betrayal,
Twisted road,twisted road,
The fact that you shredded my heart into tatters with your humps as I fell hard into those potholes,
Remains a huge blemish on my path,
Twisted road, you caused me to hate every precious memory of my journey,
Twisted road, I loath and curse the day I walked up to you and felt mesmerised with your cunning charms,
Who knows?,
Maybe I even curse the day I decided to love you,
Twisted road, maybe if I hadn't loved you...
I would have been spared the trauma of having to see your twistedness rise through my eyes,
Only to fall like a ton of bricks with a revelation never to be reversed,
O' Twisted road,your reckless handling of my heart,
Sadly,while breaking my heart,you also broke yourself,
Our hearts were so intertwined they beat as one...
Twisted Road...
thinking of what you put me through,without a doubt I know you belong to a class,as Aliens and Monsters...

# womenheartsmattets