

Stupid Girl.
✨Maybe it is time, to let go of my fears, and forget all of the pain I’ve encountered throughout the years.

🕳️I want to be able to smile again. I want to sit around and laugh with family and friends. Its exhausting, portraying happiness you have to pretend.

🕳️ They say, I have to learn to forgive. How can I forgive, somebody who isnt sorry for what they did? I am severely traumatized, and cant seem to forget it. Therefore I'll never have the chance to truly live.

🕳️I act so optimistic, comfortable, and collected. I am able to laugh amongst others, and wear a smile when I'm not alone. This way nobody knows, this is an act I have perfected.

🕳️Most of my life, I have been critisized. Maybe that's why I hide, my true self within. As a child, I was hurt by somebody I idolized.

🕳️I wear a mask everyday, under this layer of paint, hides an ugly face. I am an imperfect person in this cruel world. An overly sensitive, insecure girl, living in a judgmental, place.

🕳️I guess I could start, being more confident. Learn to accept myself for all that I am. Shed the mask, and show the person hiding within.

✨Although I'm thinking, I should just give up. This barrier, I shall never overcome. I’m calling my own bluff. Stupid stupid girl, you will never be good enough.

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