

So Stop
I feel like an exile
While my mother's in denial
She says its it's just a phase
A new teen pop craze
But me, I know it's true
I just wish you knew it too
Why cant you just stop denying ,
And stop saying I'm lying
I know it in the spot where my heart used to be
So why can't you just except me for me
The me who's trapped inside and can't get out
The me who's not straight no matter how much you cry and pout
I'm not the same me I was 2 years ago
I've learned more about myself and it will continue to grow
So stop denying,
And saying I'm lying
So stop saying it's a phase,
Or another teen pop craze
So stop saying it's not me,
And let me become who I'm meant to be
But, I know, no matter how much I cry and pray,
You'll never except me, your daughter, that way