

Unfortunate Lad
He is my unfortunate lad,
Yes ,he is not my own son,
But he is more than my son,
He has come to this world,
Taking mother's good look,
And father's simplicity,
You gave him, such a joyful personality that makes every one becomes happy with his company,
All were going on in best spirit till his 18th birthday,
Then why did you bring so much tempest in his life , only you know ,lord,
His parents became blind,
When sense came back ,
It was too much late,
His father could only save his life,
We get back our dear lad,
But only his body,
His all times happy spirit has been lost somewhere,
Like a sinking ship,
He began to sink into the mid sea,
Suddenly you separated all from his life,
I know he is weeping for all,
But how can i go against your wish ,lord,
You told ," Let him to understand what is life first,he himself will become a pure gold". We found him a little bit religious recently,
But he is our dear child,
So give him peace and happiness quickly,
I promise i won't go to him,
Untill you want,lord.