

A new year
Coffee brewing
Radio on
Phone vibration
Are all things I hear in my camper
Do I think or know that a god exist
You my brother you said you would fight for me. That's something I need to know. Thank you.

Lo point in life
Depression, deaths, stress, nerves mean ppl
are things I'm dealing with.
Most definitely I need to be lifted up
Told I'm gourgus

But u made me smile when I seen u so I got your number. We most def need to make friends with each other.
Thanks to the people that have been around. And thanks for hiring me at my job so I can get on my feet. Life's been rough. I hope no one is out to get me or have been mean to me, but sometimes I think some people don't like me and are out to get me or want bad for me.

So I lift my head a little lower and I continue to do right and work and get on my feet and don't commit crime. That's all I can do is what's right and for myself. I have to do things for who I am. and take care of who I am.. while I'm still able to. If I don't who will,... Nobody. Because I'm nothing, I'm nothing, and I'm nobody but I've got to do things for me. I have to work for money it's like I have to tie my own shoes. Even tho I ain't nothing Im who I am to me. I'm a good honest person.

I've never been this depressed before but I'm making it better. Things will get better in my life only if I continue to do right and if I am needed or if someone is interested all they have to do Is talk to me I'm down to earth good, very gourgus, very good person.

I sometimes feel out of place but with me working that has gotten better.
It's a rough life and it ain't a life, I've got to continue to write and enjoy the small things

Also if the day seems long it is a blessing of some type even though it's bothersome.
At work time goes by pretty quick most days. Witch is a good thing.

In the end what matters the most. The memories in photos are all I have left of some ppl that were around me,like my dad. My dad died. I've pics not many but a few of when I spent time with him. But what matters the most in the end is all the memories, and how u lived your life if u did right and being a good person and doing right. If u stand up for what's right if u sit when everyone else stands or stand when they sit down. If udo sit or stand for what's right. And don't be ugly or lewd. What matters the most in the end. I mean what. Hmm
What matters the most in the end.
Is that I I'd exist and if I ever meant anything to anyone they would have called, texted, or messaged or maybe they need to. They should have been there for me when I was in jail, prison, when my dad died, when my grandma died when ppl were doing wrong by me, they should have been there for me.

Thanks Larry for going to let me use your car. I truly appreciate it and am truly grateful.

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