

Written in her own handwriting.
Written in her own handwriting
A pain so crippling
A heart so bewildered
A soul so afraid

The heart of a mother in pain
The eyes of a sister in tears
The joy of a wife taken
The hope of a girl snatched.

See how death has taken the joy of my life
The kind hearted soul of my beloved far from me now
The praise of my dear heart captive in the prison of the deep
My underlying breath that took me to sleep each night.

My bleeding heart in cry calls for joy from my beloved
I can't hear his voice anymore
Death, that has no recognition
Has stolen the joy of my heart.

He has gone and never will return again
My tears bubbles out as I cry
The hope to see him one day
But how? Unless I go by death.

How can this be
As I climb to see the dead of my beloved
My wish was as one as I thought
Why did you leave me here all alone.

@paajohnny creation ©2018