

The Sound of My Bata
Kongo! Ko n go!!
Is the song of my Bata
Beating and shuddering
Like the heart of Ogun

Kongo! ko n go!!
Hear the sound of my Bata
As it screams in terror
Beating in fury
Just like the cry of Sango

Kongo! Ko n go!!
My very own incantation
Bringing back memories
With prophetic meanings
Flowing like the tears of Laaroye

Kongo! Ko n go!!
My Bata cries with agony,
Trembling hand and angst
To see the futility of their absconding Cherished Divinity.

Orunmila, ki ona la
Has always been the Ifa divination
But he keeps conjuring an incarcerated path
Giving the appropriate eulogy,
Eni a wi fun òbá je ó gbo
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