

No win against Fate
Why can't we choose our memories, pick our plot, design our dialogues,
Just to avoid the unplanned?

It is fruitless to ask these questions, for the answers are nothing but obvious.

It is basically not our lives,
no matter how much we try to design it with our own blueprint.

In the end, it is Fate's own blueprint,
Fate's own story,
Fate's own fun game.

Funny, right?
Our life is only a game to Fate,
Just like the video games we play.

Do we blame fate when things go wrong in our lives?
Or do we just settle on it being how things are meant to be?

Must we accept fate's decisions, or must we put up a fight?

How prepared are we?
How stoked are we?
How fuelled are we?

Are we prepared to lose the fight to fate?
Are we ready to disbalance the system of earth's design existing since the beginning of time?

© #milialate.4