

I see you in all the places I want you to be
I’ve been letting out woodpecker cry’s an I gotta say dad through me you’re voice still echos through the woods. some of the purest sounds I’ve ever heard the trees and me hanging on too every word.

I see you every day in things out here it’s like you take place in all this empty space from the shadows of those truck headlights cruising down rt 66.

Or in another man’s mud boot prints
singing “fuck you bitch”
“ you broke my heart”
“fuck you’re dog hope he never comes home” 🤣
I see you from the dirt bike trails, to the catfish bells ringing and raising hell at midnight.

from a Toyota exhaust smell at Taco Bell in the dead of night paired with a scratch off ticket and some mother fuckin Cinnabon delight.

I see you in the rain when the moon cry’s over the stars at night.

© shrouded