

"Clouds of Literature"

I heard time hurts,
Say it all ends with time,
Or people change over time,
Dreams end with time,
The pain of separation disappears in an instant,
If it were true, love and affection would be one,
The only difference is here,
Love teaches people to recognize,
Teaches people to understand,
I did it over time,
But the people remained the same,
Friends love is a hundred times,
Today is the end of my life,
In the glory of love,
I want to continue in your yard for many years,
The vocabulary may be exhausted here,
Today I am immersed in the literature of rhyme,
Behind the eye and behind the cloud fairy
You last
The disappearance of the rain is that,
He finds a place in the heartbeat,
I could not say any more in shame,
Over time, in literature today and my roi.
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