

silence of absence
In the Silence of Your Absence

In the stillness where your laughter lived,
A quiet falls, too deep to bear,
The echo of your voice, a gentle whisper,
Now drifts on winds that aren't there.

Your chair sits empty, shadowed and cold,
A memory carved in wood and stone,
But in the heart, you're forever held,
In whispers of love, you're never alone.

The days pass by, but time stands still,
In the space you filled with light and grace,
A void remains, a tender ache,
As we long for one more embrace.

Yet in the dark, a star appears,
A sign that you are near, not far,
Guiding us through nights of tears,
A beacon, our eternal star.

We carry you in every breath,
In every tear, in every sigh,
For though you've gone, you're with us still,
In every dawn, in every sky.
© Larry Ridener