

whispering heart

In the stillness of the morn,
I hear the whisper, soft and forlorn,
Chirps of birds, a timeless song,
No matter where I am, they belong.

At first, this whisper, strange and mild,
I tried to flee, but it stayed, beguiled.
A constant companion, a lifelong guide,
Its gentle words, it never did hide.

Over time, I learned to embrace,
The whisper's presence, its subtle grace.
Yet, its meaning remained a mystery,
For it was a whisper of pure simplicity.

Then one day, the whisper withdrew,
Leaving me feeling empty and blue.
I drew near, but it was gone from view,
Until I realized, the whisper was my heart's debut.

In the tranquility of my heart's embrace,
Nature whispered to me, with gentle grace.
No need for words, for now, I knew,
The whisper of nature, forever true.

© maryann_t