

A rain of life that I've been gettin'
is the only thing I deserve;
They says it, they do it .
The unspoken truth when is spoken
the only thing I deserves is shattering;
They do it, they believe it.
In a way they succeds,
in a way they do not;
They found me arrogant in that way.
Now no one's left whom I can hug,
now no one's there to love me.
I'm made to get hatred,
I'm destined to get hurted.
This is what I get, A LIVING HELL.

Only the word 'worst'suits me
and it's the only thing I deserve;
They says it, they made me.
When I breaks the limits for good
the only thing I deserve is death;
They made me, they regret it.
In a way they succeded,
in a way they do not;
They want me dead for that.
Now no one's left whom I can love,
now no one's there by my side.
I'm meant to be dead,
I'm destined to get swears.
This is written for me,A LIVING HELL.

This depth of relationships are
so deep to fill up ,
Even if I tried hard , it won't help.
Sometimes I'm the most wanted child,
sometimes they pray no one should ever born like me.
They says those things which makes me to burn myself in hell;
And then says and behaves like they
didn't mean it.
What do they think I am ?
A doll which you can break as you like
and then tell her to become like before ?!
Then I'm sorry, but I'm not that
and I can't become like that.
Right now it feels like I should end this ,
but still my selfish mind says I shouldn't .
'Cause there's so much to live for
A life for and devoted to ' dreams' .
For this meaness and arrogance
I'll gladly burn in this LIVING HELL.

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