

But do you?
You may not kiss her as you do I,
but do you steal second glances of her as she walks by?
When my eyes are elsewhere and try not to worry,
Do you talk with her about her problems like a hero in a hurry?
I was your damsel once, and you built me into a princess,
however as my head-boulders grow, her face becomes one I detest.
"She doesn't want I," you say as you wave your hands upset,
but don't you understand the signs she presents?
Wanting by your side, the way she steals second looks at you,
I know I'm your first, but I refuse to believe I'm betrothed to such a fool!
If the heart I've spilled to you doesn't stain into your brain,
I'll have no choice for our better goods than to start anew once again, because I refuse to act insane.
If your heart is torn then cleave my half free,
I may die not by your cruelty, but for in the end my predictions ring true, indubidly.