

The world isn't as pleasurable as music and wine
The world isn't as pleasurable as music and wine
In their melodies and flavors, I find peace divine
But outside the realm of song and sip
Lies a reality that can often strip

Us of joy and bury us in sorrow
Leaving us longing for a brighter tomorrow
We seek solace in the notes that play
And the warmth of the liquid that holds sway

Yet the world keeps turning, unforgiving of time
Reminding us that happiness isn't always a simple rhyme
So we turn up the volume, pour another glass
Hoping that in these pleasures, we can surpass

The hardships and struggles that we face
And find respite in this sacred space
So let us raise a glass and sing a tune
For in music and wine, our spirits commune

The world isn't as pleasurable as music and wine
But in their enchanting embrace, we find a lifeline.

© Jovan_love