

Shadows of Humiliation

In shadows cast by mocking eyes,
Humiliation's cruel disguise,
My soul, a vessel, torn and frayed,
In darkness, lost and deeply swayed.

Whispers haunt, like venomous snakes,
Their venom spreading, my spirit breaks,
A shattered mirror reflects my shame,
As the world revels in my painful blame.

Silent tears stain a face worn thin,
An echo of the agony within,
But from this abyss, I'll find my way,
To rise anew, despite dismay.

Through the depths of darkness, I'll emerge,
Stronger, braver, my soul will surge,
For humiliation, though it scars,
Can't extinguish the light that's ours.

So let the shadows dance and writhe,
I'll reclaim my worth, I'll strive,
In the face of darkness, I will fight,
And find redemption in my own light.
© Bittercrazy18