

A prayer I had
What is prayer to you?
What do you pray about mostly?
Who don’t you include in your prayers, but wish to?
Why do you wish good upon other people?
What will you get in return?

My mind plays mind games,
They keep me guessing and confused.
My destiny is unseen, but it’s well-known.
I keep my head up, but why can’t I keep up?
My body is waking along, but my soul has included itself.

I don’t know what I want to say prayer,
Because I’m not too sure, whether I’m being heard, along with millions of voices..
But I still pray.
I say what i can't put into words, by others.
I say what my pen can’t feed my paper.

They say the power of prayer is great,
But what happens to the power of deliverance?
Who hears my prayers when God is attending others?
What do they think before “getting back” to me.
Does the person that listens Judge?
These are questions you were given answers to.
But you still search for an answer too.
A prayer I had

Written by: Thandy.M productions

© Thandy.M