

Here there and everywhere
Is this old Marc Donald had a farm?
With a vagrant here and over there?
Where are the government officials in this dispear?

Homeless here and there
Without any hope to spear
People pass by with great fear
Wondering if it's safe to go near

Forgetting vagrants are people too
So why treat them like a bunch of nobodies?
Discriminating and calling it your hobby

But don't worry what goes around comes back around
Don't try to be wrong and strong
And think you would never sleep on the ground

Your time might come and then we'll see how strong you are when it all prolongs

They don't have a roof over their heads
Nor have three meals to get
But yet they go and get
Surviving longer than you and I
And that's a fact I'm not willing to bet

Vagrants are people too
So don't treat them like a bunch of nobodies for they are somebody.

© Kevin S, Daniel