

Is it you ?
Is it you,
The one my soul tirelessly seeks?
Is it you,
Who haunts my dreams and dark thoughts?
Is it you,
Who brightens my days with your absent presence?
Is it you,
Who makes me smile and cry in silence?

Night and day,
I search for you in the shadows of my memories,
Night and day,
I feel your presence like a gentle sigh,
Night and day,
I wait for you, hoping to find you one day,
Night and day,
My heart sighs thinking of your love.

Is it you,
Who I miss so much and makes me so melancholic?
Is it you,
Who makes me believe in a utopian happiness?
Is it you,
Who gives me the strength to continue despite everything?
Is it you,
My soulmate, my love, my everything ?

Is it you,
Who makes me vibrate to the rhythm of your silences?
Is it you,
Who makes me dream of better days in abundance?
Is it you,
Who makes me stronger despite the distance?
Is it you,
Who is engraved in me for eternity, in every instance ?

Is it you,
Who is the key to my happiness and sadness?
Is it you,
Who is the sun of my days and the moon of my nights?
Is it you,
Who is my destiny, my love, my life?
Is it you,
Who is everything to me, against all odds, infinitely ?
Is it you ?
© Universalconsciousness963