

a lone wolf
feel like a burden
would I be missed
when I drown in tears
destined to suffer in this life
a lone wolf suffering in silence
no one seeing my battle within
suffering silently and alone
I feel like I'm a mistake
all my life feeling unloved
unwanted and worthless
only wanting a family of my own
yet not meant to even be a mom
ment to have no one
no one to love or be loved
world would be better off
burden no more
maybe my only escape
escape is all I want
being loved & happy a mirage
never intended for me
always just outta my reach
I find any bit of love
its always taken from me
left to walk alone once again
always a lone wolf
suffering in silence
unloved and unwanted
worthless and a burden
drain and not much fight left
ready to give up
dissappear and be forgotten
unable to hurt my kids & family
just wish I could be selfish
end my pain and suffering
destined to suffer
till death shows me mercy
death is my on escape
Im meant to walk alone
meant to suffer alone
no escaping this pain