

Let it be done 🙏
For the many times I've fallen into sin
For the many times I've hidden this candle so it's not seen
For the many times I've failed you
For the many times....
I'd want you to work through me
Let it be done unto me according to your word!

Behold I, your unworthy servant
Of sin and flaws, I'm pregnant
I bear them and it's such a shame
So, behold....
I'd want you to work through me
Let it be done unto me according to your word!

All the times I've been overwhelmed by worry
About the past, present, future.... that's my story and soon history
Give me grace enough to not so much dwell on that, but on your grace alone to depend
All the time....
I'd want you to work through me
Let it be done unto me according to your word!
© bmwmaria_